Khi chàng cứ hôn bạn đắm đuối mãi không dừng

Engaging in fun and creative activities indoors with your energetic dog can be a great way to bond and provide mental and physical stimulation. Here are five activities you can try:

1. Indoor Obstacle Course:

   Set up a makeshift obstacle course using household items like cushions, chairs, and blankets. Create tunnels, jumps, and weave poles to encourage your dog to navigate through the course. Use treats or toys to motivate them, and make it a game by timing their progress.

2. Hide and Seek:

   Play a game of hide and seek with your dog. Start by having your dog stay in one room while you hide in another. Call them, and when they find you, reward them with treats and praise. As your dog gets the hang of it, you can make it more challenging by hiding in different spots.

3. Interactive Toys and Puzzles:

   Invest in interactive toys and puzzles designed for dogs. These toys dispense treats when manipulated correctly, providing mental stimulation and a rewarding challenge. Puzzle feeders and treat-dispensing balls can keep your dog entertained and mentally engaged.

4. Tug-of-War:

   Tug-of-war is a great indoor activity that can help burn off energy. Use a sturdy rope toy or a tug toy designed for dogs. Ensure that your dog understands the rules of the game, such as releasing the toy on command. This activity not only provides physical exercise but also strengthens the bond between you and your furry friend.

5. DIY Agility Course:

   Create a DIY agility course using household items like hula hoops, broomsticks, and cardboard boxes. Set up jumps, weave poles, and tunnels to encourage your dog to navigate the course. Use treats or toys as rewards, and gradually increase the difficulty of the course as your dog becomes more skilled.

Remember to consider your dog's individual preferences and limitations when engaging in these activities. Always prioritize their safety and well-being, and consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your dog's health or physical capabilities.

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